Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Beer! Belgian Cherry Wheat Beer

It's 2013 very soon, and I've just had my first cherry wheat beer.

I knew it'd be good for several reasons:

  1. I've had several glasses of Glenfiddich already. 
  2. My wife bought it. 
  3. It's from Marks & Spencers. 
  4. It's beer.
Number 3 might seem incongruous with the ethos of this site but hey ho ... it was dandy. I've had a few other ales from M&S and they've all been reliably tasty. 

This one was from the Huyghe Brewery in Melle, Belgium and lists orange peel and coriander among its ingredients. 

Check Huyghe's site out: they've got this neat out-of-focus pink elephant thing going on. And their brewing timeline goes back to the 17th century. That's impressive. 

Anyhow, there was a bit of a floral aroma to this that minded me of daffodils. And a rich dark colour. Taste? Like a chewy cherryade. Not my usual, but delicious. 

Now I'm gonna wash it down with more whisky. 

Hoppy new year!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day beer, Barney's Red Rye

Barney Beer Red Rye
And so to what is possibly the Campbell Beer of 2012, certainly December.

Barney's Beer Red Rye was a Hippo Beers recommends, and a Christmas present from my daughter.

Maybe it was the spirit of Christmas, maybe it was the joy of fresh pine needles sticking into my socks, but I loved the colour, the fulfilling taste, the bottle, the label. I loved that it was 100% natural so obviously it's good for me. And good for you, too. I loved that it was from a wee microbrewery in Edinburgh.

But most of all, I loved that my wife went in to the beer shop, explained she was after something special for her special guy, told them what beers I liked, and the staff there went straight to this one.


Friday, December 07, 2012

Beer, the first. Alechemy Cairnapple IPA.

Alechemy Cairnapple IPA
Bought from the top left corner of the Scottish bay of shelves at Hippo Beers on Queen Margaret Drive. It's a beautiful shop. A wonderful shop. A happy shop.

This IPA from Alechemy is a full flavoured, hoppy and delicious beer. Robust and fruity, I guess that's where the Cairn and the Apple in the name come from.

Drank on my son's birthday. Would hoppily have again.